Public Inquiries

Dear Customer,

Nimble Finance Ltd. believes in continuous, professional, and respectful dialogue with its customers and strives to provide the best service to its client base.

If you are not satisfied with the service you received, you can contact the Public Complaints Officer through one of the following ways:

  • Registered mail to the company office address: 22 Plumer Square, Tel Aviv.
  • Email: [email protected]

Business Hours

Our business hours are Sunday through Thursday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, except on the eve of holidays and holidays.

Handling of Inquiries – Timelines

The company commits to send the inquirer a confirmation of receipt of a public complaint within 14 business days from the day the complaint is received.

The company commits to send the inquirer a reasoned written response within 45 business days from the day the inquiry is received. *)

Details of Information and Documents Required from the Inquirer for Examining the Inquiry

First name and surname/corporate name, ID number/corporate ID, date of inquiry, details of the inquiry, phone number, email address, mailing address and related documents concerning the inquiry, if any.

Rules for Handling Inquiries:

  • You can contact the company through any of the contact methods mentioned above.
  • It is recommended to detail the inquiry as much as possible and to send all relevant documents concerning the subject of the inquiry in order to expedite processes and assist in providing the best possible response.
  • The company commits to thoroughly examine the inquiry, using all the necessary information for its examination, within the time frames detailed above.
  • *) In exceptional cases, the company is entitled to extend the response time by an additional period of 15 business days, which will be counted from the end of the 45 business days from the day the inquiry was received. A notification about the extension of the deadline and the reason for the delay will be communicated to the inquirer before the end of the established period.